Post by ( : on Dec 6, 2018 20:31:01 GMT 5.5
Reveal CCK to the WHOLE World!!! Destroy them!!! Ban Coercive Conversion!!! Monsters.
Post by Gasp90 on Dec 6, 2018 21:00:08 GMT 5.5
This is terrible..
How can pastors do such a thing? Especially in this era. Everyone have freedom to decide what they want to believe now.
This is not what Christian should behave. They make Christians look bad.
The government of South Korea must do something about this and take this issue seriously before anymore deaths resulted from Coercive Conversion Programme conducted by CCK. CCK has to be stopped and banned Coercive Conversion Programme!!
Post by Its on Dec 6, 2018 21:07:46 GMT 5.5
How can such tragedy happening at this era! CCK should be banned! Coercive Conversion Program should be banned!
Post by Chr on Dec 6, 2018 21:13:04 GMT 5.5
Stop it now
Post by Ina on Dec 6, 2018 21:26:57 GMT 5.5
Please do something! through our voice let us unite and be heard and so Ms. Gu will get the justice she deserves.
Post by oxh2122 on Dec 6, 2018 23:52:35 GMT 5.5
I cant believe this is happening I am so upset there must be something done how can we be so inconsiderate for the human rights because of Religious discrimination! Why isn't the Government stopping this!!
Post by oxh2122 on Dec 7, 2018 0:00:28 GMT 5.5
I cant believe this is happening I am so upset there must be something done how can we be so inconsiderate for the human rights because of Religious discrimination! Why isn't the Government stopping this!!
Post by BUBBASTAN on Dec 7, 2018 2:55:08 GMT 5.5
Oh no. When i red this, i cant believe, that we are in 2018 now. But CCK just show, how Christians were in the past!
Post by dannnn on Dec 7, 2018 3:34:24 GMT 5.5
This is unacceptable. CCK must be put to an end.
Post by Tim on Dec 7, 2018 5:51:45 GMT 5.5
I agree. this should not be happening! Stop this program.
Post by Erica on Dec 7, 2018 6:32:00 GMT 5.5
How can a pastor ignore someone's religious freedom?
Post by Mark on Dec 7, 2018 9:51:05 GMT 5.5
CCK should be put to an end for participating in such horrific acts such as religious discrimination and violating human right of the victim.
Post by Cath on Dec 7, 2018 11:52:37 GMT 5.5
Post by awwrude09 on Dec 7, 2018 16:31:41 GMT 5.5
CCK is one of the most unhumane and monstrous organization Ive heard. This should now be banned.
Post by Hugh Jackman on Dec 7, 2018 20:37:02 GMT 5.5
May the souls of the victims rest in peace.